Web page design
Just changing colorsIf you just want to change some colors in the web page, look in the style/style.css file for color definitions. You will find them as: "color" (for font color), background or background-color (for background color) or in some "border" definitions (for line color). Colors are specified as things like #abc, it is, a "#" symbol followed by three characters. Those three characters represent a color in RGB format. That means that the first number is the amount of Red, the second the amount of Green and the third the amount of Blue. These amounts are written as hexadecimal numbers (where 0 is minimum and f(16) is maximum). For instance:
You can try some combinations using numbers and letters (a,b,c,d,e,f) and see what you get. Given that the web page design is simple, I would guess that, if you want to change colors, you will want to change the often used "Red" colors (menus, titles...) to some other color. Let's imagine that you want a mostly white-and-blue design instead white-and-red. You will want to change:
and we get a more bluish look: |