Pro-Am coordination team: T. Tobal (1), X. Miret (1), I. Novalbos (1), J.A. Santos (1), E.Solano (2), D.Valls (3), J.A.Caballero (2)
(1) Garraf Astronomical Observatory (OAG).Barcelona,Spain.
(2) Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC).
(3) Observatoire Paris-Meudon (OPM-CNRS). Paris, France.
We are extremely grateful to William Hartkopf and Brian Mason and their colleagues at USNO (EEUU) for their accurate revision and publication in the USNO/WDS web site of our measurements, to Bob Argyle and the Webb Society Double Star Section (UK) for their support in the DSSC publication, to E. Solano, C. Rodrigo and J.A. Caballero of Centro de Astrobiología, Madrid (Spain) and to the Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) team for their support in the Virtual Observatory tools, to D.Valls of Paris-Meudon Observatory (OPM-CNRS) for his coordination of astrophysical studies derived from this catalog, and to all observers (see Documentation) for their work and time devoted to this project.
If you use this service in your research, please include the following acknowledgement in any resulting publications:
"Based on data from the GWP catalogue, developed at CAB (INTA-CSIC) in the framework of the Spanish Virtual Observatory ( project funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ through grant PID2020-112949GB-I00".